Discouraging Discouragers (be gone!)

 What is suppose to seem like a “simple statement” is never actually is. When we think of “misery loves company” we simply think that people who aren’t happy don’t want you to be happy because they aren’t. Well, there’s nothing simple about that statement and if you don’t think that you’ve allowed the person making that statement to rob you then you’re wrong.

We have parents, family and loved ones who tell us “you can’t”. Like “misery loving company” simply because they can’t imagine themselves capable of defeating odds or “doing the impossible” they embark on a campaign that convinces you of the same! You can’t. Their limitation because your limitation. Your limitation becomes another’s limited ability. It’s a vicious cycle that continues from one to another like an infestation (meaning – to spread or swarm in or over in a troublesome manner).

My dad has always told me there is no such word as can’t. I didn’t realize how right he was because I was too young to grasp what he was actually saying. He wasn’t saying Taalima if you apply yourself and don’t succeed then you don’t succeed. He was saying that you are only limited by what you limit yourself to. If you don’t try you won’t succeed (another supposedly simple statement).

The truth is we can “do anything we put our mind to”. The sad truth is that we don’t believe it. We doubt before there is proof but we want proof in order to believe. Think about it. We doubt before there is proof but require proof in order to believe. We are discouraged and in the process of fearing and lacking we are limited.

Fear, (meaning – to be afraid or apprehensive) keeps us in check. It keeps us in a place of constant discouragement. It keeps us relying on it. It feeds on anything that is contrary to it. Fear is an irrational state of thinking. It’s not in accordance with reasoning which gives you the sense that rational is rational. Or the agreement of what’s “normal”. (What do I mean? Moral coding is so different from one individual to another because of our abilities to rationalize what’s WANTED instead of what we KNOW – you might have to read my blog on love to understand the fullness of what I’m really saying.)

Fear keeps us ensnarled in the web it creates. Like those afraid of spiders, bugs and other things that can’t harm us (or don’t even mean to do us harm). People fail to see how they make a difference. How they add to the greatness of our experience. Like spiders who catch bugs that are often considered pesky to us. They’re like natures own “exterminator”. Yet they are feared based on a discomfort. Take comfort in the fact that we all share in this experience, this life, this planet. Fear is a form of lack and there is more then enough space for us all to “survive”. (Remember too that the creepy things, the crawly things came before us and in a sense inherited the places in which we make our domains.)

To go back to an idea, normality we think of as a paradox. It is something I’ve often said and thought to be true. I’m not normal. I don’t want to be normal. Normal is. What it isn’t are the people who try to define themselves in it. People who say they are normal are often hiding behind the word. Too scared to live up to who they are TRULY they put on a façade of what they think wants to be seen. Hmm… they are discouraged to be who they are because? People are discouraging toward our true nature.

What I have learned and what we all must understand is that we are truly only limited by our limitations. It’s a self inflicted wound. It prepares and sets the foundation for fear which untreated affects our lives and the lives of others.

Warnings and restrictions are a way to limit what’s capable. We reserve special names for those of us who are able to remove barriers as Masters (and any other name you would like to associate with that term). We think they are the only ones who can do it because it seems that so few are “able to GET IT”. You’re right. So many people are willing to limit themselves so that they can’t get it. “I can’t do that the way he did it!” Why? Humans are all capable of obtaining the same levels it depends on willingness to apply and the understanding that you CAN!

Despite what you think you know, (which I’ve said before, as long as you’re thinking, you’re questioning; as long as you’re questioning you don’t know) you can as an idea and as the truth is liberating. It releases you from the bondage that fear will place on your life. It releases you from lack. Most of all, it release you from discouraging discouragers.

I believe the song goes something like “can’t no one hold me down, I have to keep on moving”. Keep moving. Keep being unstoppable and there will be nothing in life that gets in your way.